Our uniform

Our school uniform consists of a mint green polo shirt and green shorts for both boys and girls. Girls also have the option of wearing a green chequered dress, shorts or skirt or plain green skorts.
In winter kids may wear long green pants and a green zip up jacket or green jumper.
It is tradition at FPVC that all students and staff receive a NAIDOC shirt each year. These shirts also form part of our uniform, with us all wearing them with pride.
Uniform prices
Mint Green Polo Shirt with FPVC Logo $5
Green Shorts Embroidered with FPVC $5
Plain Green Skorts $5
These 3 items have been heavily subsidised by our amazing P&C and as such, have a maximum purchase limit of 2 of each item per student per term.
Green Zip Up Jacket with FPVC Logo $25
Green Bucket Hat Embroidered with FPVC $10
Uniform Shop Operating Hours
Front Office
Wednesdays & Fridays
8:30am - 9:30am
2pm - 3pm
Uniforms may also be purchased from :
Nambucca T-Shirts
42 Bowra Street Nambucca Heads 2448
Phone: (02) 65694270